The average British woman will vacuum a staggering 7,300 miles in her lifetime - equivalent to WALKING to New York and back, a new survey revealed yesterday (tues).

Women are so keen to keep their homes spick and span they spend a whopping TWO days a year - or five months in a lifetime - vacuuming.

The marathon effort leaves their other halves biting the dust - as a man's lifetime vacuuming total adds up to 850 miles - a less glamorous journey from Land's End to John O'Groats.

But it's not all bad news. Health gurus claim vacuuming is one of the best all round exercises a person can do in the home.

Fitness expert Mike Hill said: ''Who would have thought we travel so far doing a simple task like vacuuming. It just goes to show everyday household tasks can help keep us in shape.

''Although vacuuming may not the seem the most glamorous way of exercising, it's actually a good all round workout and you don't even have to leave the home!''

The poll of 3,000 UK homeowners by vacuum manufacturer Bosch revealed men spend only half a day vacuuming in a typical year - just over a month of their life.

Unsurprisingly 95 per cent of women believe men should pick up the vacuum cleaner just as much as women.

Despite this, vacuuming does seem to help both sexes unwind - 43 per cent of Brits admitted they found vacuuming therapeutic.

Almost half of folk even break into song during a cleaning spree - although women are twice as likely to whistle while they work.

And females are obviously using their vacuuming sessions to take a check on things.

One in twenty said they have made a life changing decision whilst sprucing up the home, with splitting up with a lover, deciding to move house of get anew job being high on the list.

And vacuuming can also lead to further disaster - two thirds of Brits said they have sucked up valuable items during a cleaning frenzy.

A spokesperson from Bosch said: ''It's incredible how long women spend vacuuming in a lifetime, that's why we have been concentrating on making more powerful and efficient cleaners that get the job done more quickly.

''The technology is now so advanced, you can really cut down the time spent cleaning your home by choosing the right product and let's face it, most of us would rather be enjoying ourselves than vacuuming!''