Keeping Your Home Safe From Carbon Monoxide

Keeping Your Home Safe From Carbon Monoxide

National Grid wants to make sure that while students have fun at uni, they are also staying safe. So they’ve teamed up with former drama teacher turned TV funnyman Greg Davies, aka Mr Gilbert from student sitcom The Inbetweeners, to give you the lowdown on staying safe from gas leaks and carbon monoxide poisoning in your rented house.

Greg recently went back to uni, and spent a day in a student house, and features in a number of comedy videos on the National Grid Student Union page on Facebook, which also includes key safety messaging about CO poisoning.

To see Greg Davies go back to uni, search National Grid Student Union on Facebook

Key safety messages:

Carbon monoxide can be produced if:

appliances are poorly installed

appliances are not working properly

appliances are not checked or maintained regularly

there is not enough ventilation in a room

a chimney or flue gets blocked

appliances are installed or maintained by unqualified people

- What are the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning?

The early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include tiredness, drowsiness, headaches, and chest and stomach pains.

Carbon monoxide can kill within a matter of hours and people are most vulnerable to poisoning when they are asleep.

There are some outward indications of the presence of carbon monoxide - a fire or appliance may have yellow or orange flames, the pilot light may blow out frequently and there may be soot and stains around the appliance.

The indicators of a faulty boiler are soot around the appliance, a yellow/orange weak flame (instead of blue), a pilot light which works out easily.

- Advice

Speak to your landlord and make sure your gas boiler and appliances have been serviced by a Gas Safe registered engineer.

Get a carbon monoxide alarm - it could save your life.
If you smell gas, call the National Gas Emergency Service 0800 111 999 (available 24 hours a day, 365 days/year)


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