How Clean Is Your House?

How Clean Is Your House?

New scientific research has highlighted the need for Britons to either master home hygiene or risk putting their families health in jeopardy.

Microscopic analysis has shown that even apparently clean homes are a hotbed for a plethora of possible infections. One of the most shocking discoveries is that more faecal bacteria were found on the kitchen worktop than on the toilet flush, toilet seat, toilet brush or child’s potty.

Zoflora, commissioned independent laboratory, Kingmoor Technical Services to assess the hidden hygiene issues in two typical family homes.

The homes were swabbed in various locations, ranging from kitchen worktops to the toilet seat and children’s’ toys to laptops.

What they found is that even clean homes may be hosting thousands of unwelcome visitors that could bring illnesses like sickness and diarrhoea to the family.

Unacceptable levels of bacteria were found in nine locations and levels for concern in a further four sites.

The researchers tested for eight specific bacteria or types of bacteria:

- Enterobacteriaceae:   may cause symptoms including abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and fever

- Coliforms: high numbers indicate poor hygiene or contamination.

- Thermo tolerant/ Faecal Coliforms: Bacteria associated with faecal material (both animal and human), any numbers indicate poor hygiene control and cross contamination. Frequently associated with poor personal hygiene, such as a lack of hand washing.

- Escherichia coli: presence indicates poor hygiene control and cross contamination

- Staphylococcus aureus: can cause severe stomach upset if present in food in high enough numbers.

- Pseudomonas:  they can affect the odour, flavour and colouration of foods, which may sometimes cause irritation of the stomach.  Can also cause infection in the eyes or skin.

- Listeria: widely distributed in the environment, water, soil, sewage, vegetation and the faeces of animals and humans. Some species are pathogenic for humans and animals.

- Salmonella:  may cause fever, septicaemia and gastroenteritis in humans.

Some lowlights:

- A child’s high chair had 1,500 times more Faecal Coliforms than the same child’s potty
- A wheelie bin had three times the level of acceptable bacteria defined as high risk for infection
- A laptop keyboard had more Coliforms and Enterobacteriaceae than a front door handle
- A shower head had 300,000 times more bacteria, including Pseudomonas, than front door keys

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