There are so many things to think about when moving home

There are so many things to think about when moving home

Looking forward to moving home, I wouldn't get to excited just yet as a new study reveals that the stress alone puts two years on you.

More than two-thirds of those asked found that the experience of moving home made them feel and look older by as much as two years.

The study, commissioned by online conveyancing service In-Deed, reveals that, until the house was signed off, one in five people went off sex, while other common side effects include hair loss and short-term memory failure.

It also found that over the average of 15-week house-buying period aged ansious buyers and sellers by 25 months.

Psychologist Dr Glenn Wilson, who led the study of 200 people who had bought or sold a house across Britain in the past three months, says: "Periods of prolonged stress and anxiety can seriously take their toll on our wellbeing, with depression, weight loss and premature ageing a likely outcome."

The main strains of moving home includes worries about mortgage approvals, inept lawyers and bad solicitors.

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