Have A Homemade Christmas

Have A Homemade Christmas

They used to be rituals that signified the start of the festive season in households around Britain, but in 2010 it seems the nation is flagging when it comes to making decorations, Christmas cakes and puddings, and even a heart-felt Christmas gift –something kids don’t even have to spend their pocket money on!

The new research, commissioned by the supermarket Morrisons, shows that only a quarter of us will make decorations this year, and despite the economy slowing and school holidays approaching when mums look to ways to entertain their excited little ones.

But help is at hand, with one half of the infamous Mel and Sue, mother of two Mel Giedroyc, as she puts down her mic stand to make a stand against the new quick fix Britain so that we can all enjoy the best part of the festivities...fun with the kids.

Here are her top ideas for making a mess with the kids and having something other than a messy house to show for it.

1.Popcorn and Cranberry Garland (easy)

You’ll need popcorn, dried cranberries, a length or fishing wire or strong thread and a needle.

Method: To start, thread the needle with your fishing wire and tie a knot at the end.  Next take a piece of popcorn, followed alternately by a cranberry and continue until your chain is the length of your mantle and tie a knot in the end.

2. Cinnamon Stick Tree Decorations (moderate)

All you’ll need is some fresh cinnamon sticks, fishing wire and Christmas ribbon.

Method: Just bundle together 4 or 5 cinnamon sticks lengthways, wrap the fishing wire around the middle to secure them in position, and don’t worry about this part looking perfect because you’re then going to wrap the ribbon around the wire and tie in a decorative bow.

3. Candy Cane Present Topper (moderate)

Pick up those wrapped presents and you’ll need 3 candy canes and some ribbon.

Method:  Wrap the ribbon around the gift as you would a usual present When you come to tying the first knot, position 2 candy canes in a flat ‘top and tail’ position. 

Alternatively, layer 3 candy canes so that the bottom one is vertical and the other two cross over each other on top Secure with a final tight bow using about 40cm of ribbon

4. Orange Slice Decoration (easy)

All you’ll need is a fresh Seville orange and some Christmas ribbon.

Method: Carefully cut the orange into thick slices and place directly onto the oven shelf.  Bake at 130°C for 1 hour and then reduce heat to 100°C for another 2 hours, then leave to cool. 

Make a small incision on the edge of the orange slice, then loop 20cms of ribbon through and secure in a knot, and they’re ready to be hung!

5. Pomander Balls (moderate)

You’ll need a fresh Seville orange, whole cloves, Christmas ribbon and a wooden skewer.

Method: Wrap about 40cm of ribbon around the orange as if you were decorating a gift, dividing it into four quarters and secure with a bow on top, leaving enough ribbon to make a hanging loop. 

Using your skewer poke small holes into the orange skin and fill the holes with cloves until the orange is completely covered.

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