

Home hygiene at risk because we don’t have enough time to spring clean

Nearly half of Brits (45%) don't spring clean and a further 20 per cent clean with the same bacteria-infested dishcloth that hasn’t been disinfected for over a fortnight, according to new research from germ-busting household disinfectant, Zoflora.

The annual spring deep-clean is avoided by 15 per cent of people because their lives are too busy and a further 12 per cent also need to clean up their act as they say they just can’t be bothered to spring clean and don’t think it’s necessary.

On a cleaner note, the survey of 1,247 people found that of the 55  per cent donning the rubber gloves for the spring session, 46 per cent were aiming to give their homes a thorough clean, 37 per cent  were de-cluttering to get organised and 17 per cent wanted to freshen up their homes, and get rid of those nasty lingering niffs that can fester during the long winter months.

It also comes as no surprise that 85 per cent of women believe they win the gold medal when it comes to spring cleaning. Only 15 per cent of men think they can handle the task better than the fairer sex.

Dr Catherine Hood comments: Some of the chores that you can perform during your annual spring clean may actually improve your family's health by eliminating bacteria and viruses. By following simple hygiene tips, such as cleaning and disinfecting your home effectively with Zoflora, you can reduce the risk of cross-contamination, helping to protect your family from infections and illness.

Zoflora’s wide range of bacteria-beating products has been protecting and disinfecting British homes for nearly 90 years and includes concentrated disinfectants that can be diluted to cover large areas, such as floors and bathrooms, as well as handy sprays. The household liquid disinfectant range includes 11 beautiful fragrances which not only kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, but also eliminate odours leaving a long-lasting fresh scent throughout the home.

Get a head start on the hectic seasons ahead, and freshen up your home with the help of Zoflora’s spring cleaning tips for a hygienic, healthy and sparkling home:

De-cluttering...can provoke fear in many but start off small by clearing out your kitchen drawer, which is likely to be full of unneeded bits and bobs. Gradually work your way up to the loft or the spare room - these are prime locations for a mass gathering of junk that rarely gets cleared out.

Get the family involved...and take some of the weight off you! Teaching your children good cleaning habits will hold them in good stead for when they have their own home. Set them challenges and see the dust disappear!

Pets...are a man’s best friend but they also bring hidden germs, smells and unsightly mess. Ensure you clean up after your fluffy companion by using Zoflora, which is loved by pet-owners for its unrivalled odour-neutralising abilities and choice of 11 fragrances.

Cleaning equipment...such as cloths, brushes, mops and rubber gloves should be changed regularly, otherwise you run the risk of spreading contamination. Disinfect cloths with Zoflora after every use. Within eight hours, a single bacterium on a damp cloth can multiply to six million!

Children...are at a greater risk of catching bugs, and even apparently clean homes may be hosting thousands of unwelcome visitors that could bring illnesses, including sickness and diarrhoea, to the family. Ensure kids’ toys and equipment are disinfected regularly, wherever possible, with Zoflora antibacterial sprays.

Keep bins smelling as the rest of your kitchen by using Zoflora Bin Fresh Gel. Sprayed into the bin or bin liner, its unique formula neutralises nasty bacterial bin odours for up to 72 hours, It even eliminates odours from dirty nappies and last night’s curry. 

Bathrooms...can look shiny and clean on the surface but if not cleaned thoroughly, can hide a multitude of sins. A recent study by Zoflora found a shower head had 300,000 times more bacteria than a set of front door keys. This includes pseudomonas, which can cause skin or eye infections, urinary tract infections and pneumonia. Don’t forget to clean your shower curtain too!

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