

As the days get longer and warmer – and with the clocks having gone forward – Spring is well and truly here, but one tradition is being left out in the cold. 40% of the nation believes The Great British Spring Clean to be a ‘washed up’ custom reserved for generations past.

Over half of Brits (57%) believe that having a cleaner reduces the need to spring clean their homes,  spending over £3 billion a year to outsource household chores, rather than facing it themselves, research out today reveals.

Domestos quizzed 2,000 homeowners to discover that one in ten (15%) time-squeezed young professionals couldn’t live without their cleaner and are happy to spend £65 a week more than their parents for the privilege. Despite the additional cost, 62% believe they have let their own standards slack compared to other generations and admit their homes might not be as clean as they could be.

On average, 40% of households across the UK spend over £2000 a year on cleaning services with men spending twice as much as women (£38 vs. £18 a week). While 13% confess to decreasing the time spent cleaning, one in 10 (11%) Brits admit to not thoroughly cleaning their home. Sweeping under the bed (54%), defrosting the freezer (49%), wiping the windows (32%) and cleaning the toilet (7%) are among the most avoided household tasks in the UK.

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