Don't be tired during the day with these tips

Don't be tired during the day with these tips

If you are have trouble sleeping then why not use National Bed Month 2013 as an excuse to break bad sleeping habits and give yourself a new lease of life.

Award winning bed makers, Warren Evans, have been helping the nation to get a good night’s sleep for over 35 years. Dave Gibson BSC has been practising as a Naturopath and Osteopath for over 11 years and is Warren Evans’ very own Sleep Advisor. He shares his tips on waking up through the night and what you should be doing:

What if you wake up?

If you can’t sleep, don’t lie in bed worrying about it. Get up and do something you find relaxing until you feel sleepy. Take a bath, read a book, have a glass of warm milk – experiment to find out what works for you. 

Leave your bedroom, or your brain won’t find it as easy to be triggered to sleep when it’s time.  Only climb back into bed when you’re ready to close your eyes and nod off.  Your brain will begin to associate the bed with sleep only, and that will help you get a good night’s rest.

Dust Mites

No matter how clean you keep your house, dust mites are likely to live in your mattress, pillows, and bedding. They can aggravate your allergies or create symptoms in those who otherwise would be free of allergic reactions. Even if you don’t have noticeable symptoms, the interference of dust mites with your regular breathing could be the source of troubled sleep. 

In order to keep yourself and your family allergy-free, wash all bedding at 60 degrees or higher. Even duvets and electric blankets can hide dust mites, so check the label before you buy one. Vacuum the base of the mattress, too, with the windows open to chase away anything hidden down below.


In October, the American non-profit radio station National Public Radio ran a story about a music teacher called Alise Ojay who has devised exercises to strengthen throat muscles. The result?  Ojay says there’s less snoring.

Snoring is a sign of narrowed air passages which can disrupt sleep.  It can also wake up whoever happens to be nearby.  If this is true, any activity that has the same effect on the throat should work as well.  Get in touch if you find one that you think is as good.

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