Whatever the reason for your New Year's Resolution, here's how to stick to it
The ‘New Year’ is that infamous period when people make ambitious changes to their lifestyle, in order to achieve the ‘New Year, New You’ status that everyone so desires, but resolutions can be tricky to stick to, despite all those good intentions. That’s why SKYCIG has come up with a list of tips to help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions, no matter what they are.
Learn to de-stress – Many revert to old habits to help relieve their stress, so making an effort to de-stress and calm your mind is key to success. If you can find other ways to de-stress then you will be on the slow and steady pathway to successfully making your News Year’s resolution a reality.
Take up more exercise – Exercise is the answer to many problems, helping with confidence issues and fitness levels, as well as, overall happiness. But you don’t need to sign up to the gym or become an exercise addict to get fitter for the New Year; you can make simple changes such as walking to the station (or work), rather than taking the car or train. You can also try taking the stairs over the lift where possible, and take a short walk in your lunch break. Small changes can help make a big difference to both your mood, and morale.
Using an alternative – If your resolution is to try and stay off sweet treats, it’s good to come prepared with healthy snacks, so that when you want something sweet, you don’t binge on the wrong foods. Drinking more water is also a great way to avoid picking up old habits; it keeps your hands and mouth busy, it’s good for you and also helps you feel better inside and out. If you want to find a tobacco alternative in the New Year you could consider switching to e-cigarettes.
Identify your triggers – Understanding what drives you to want that sweet treat or cigarette is key to helping you make that all important change and stick to your resolutions. Once you know what these triggers are, you can try and avoid these situations, or at least be prepared for them, with an alternative to hand.
Success with Friends – It’s really important to make sure that you have the right support network around you when trying to make life changes, so that you don’t feel alone. It’s often good to club together and make changes with friends or family members, as together you can be successful and reach your goal.
Reward yourself – With the money you have saved from either being better with your finances, or changing some expensive habits such as drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco, it’s a good idea to treat or reward yourself with something nice as an incentive to continue with your New Year resolution moving forward.
Why do you want to make a change? – Often making a list of reasons why you want to make a life change and putting them up in different areas of your flat or house is a good way to keep you on track. It also acts as a reminder of why you are making that all important change and reminds you of your overall goal.
Seek out encouragement – It’s often a good idea to tell co-workers, and other people around you, that you are planning to stick to your New Year’s resolution so they can help encourage you and spur you on. If they see that you are flagging they will be able to get you back on track!
Tagged in Health Healthy Body New Year