Layer your yogurt with fruit

Layer your yogurt with fruit

For this week's superfood feature we take a look at yogurt and all of the nutritional goodness it provides you with.

It's an easily absorbed source of calcium and can be used as a milk subsitute for people who can't digest large amounts of the milk sugar, lactose.

There's strong evidence that yogurt can reduce problems associated with irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory digestice tract disorders. There is also a suggestion that it may also decrease the risk of breast cancer.

Yogurt has long been credited with a range of therapeutic benefits, many of which involve the health of the large intestine and the relief of gastrointestinal upsets.

The bacteria Lactobacillus GG, added to some yoghurt, are not digested, and reach the large intestine intact where they top up the other friendly bacteria living there.

The friendly bacteria fight harmful bacteria, including Clostridium difficile that can cause diarrhoea after a course of antibiotics.

Plain yogurt is very versatile so you can make it to suit your taste, flavour it with some vanilla or lemon, or top it on some fruit for breakfast. If you want a dessert add some cocoa for a chocolate-flavoured treat.

How will you be eating more of this superfood?

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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