When you have a presentation at work or an exam in the morning, it can sometimes be hard to fall asleep the night before. Stress levels are high and you can be lay awake tossing and turning for hours and when you finally do fall asleep, you wake several times throughout the night. Although there are ways to ensure you get a good night's sleep and are ready to tackle anything in the morning. Follow these quick steps to relax the mind and switch off.
Take a relaxing bath - Taking a hot bath before bed will increase body temperature but as the body temperature drops it will make the body feel drowsy. So why not spoil yourself and have some 'me time' before you climb in to bed? Get the bubble bath out, add the bath bombs and wind down before bed.
Don't drink caffeine-based drinks before bed - This may sound simple but don't drink coffee and other caffeine-based drinks before bed. It is best to stop drinking these in the evening to ensure the effects of the caffeine has worn off before you go to bed. Don't be tempted by the coffee if you have a lot of work to do before bed but instead put it to one side, switch off and leave it for the morning or else you may be wide awake all night.
Don't eat two hours before bed - Eating before bed can interfere with sleep and can cause weight gain. The digestive system has slowed down and it becomes more difficult to digest food. This will result in the body finding it difficult to relax and could result in a restless night.
Read a book - Reading a book before bed can cause drowsiness as it causes eye strain and your body uses energy to read. So grab your favourite book, settle down in your pyjamas and get in to bed.
Turn off the TV - Watching TV can make your mind alert and active. Watching programmes like the news and violent images before you go to bed can also make it hard to sleep as graphic images can take time for your mind to process.
Get in to a routine - Going to sleep and waking up at the same time everyday will help your body adapt its natural body clock and make falling asleep much easier.
Keep the bedroom for sleep and relaxation - Do not take work in to the bedroom or the mind will become confused and when it in time to wind down, you will instead be constantly thinking about work.
Turn down the noise - Make sure it is quiet when you go to sleep and turn down the lights. Low lighting and a quiet atmosphere will convince the brain that it is time to sleep.
Exercise - By exercising in the day, it can lower stress levels and it will use up energy which will tire the body out.
Have a glass of milk - Drinking a glass of milk can cause the body to become sleepy as it contains chemicals that helps the body to sleep.
By Claire Lancaster
Tagged in Stress Sleep Sleeping Tips top tips