Think before you take the sleeping pill.

Think before you take the sleeping pill.

Many people suffer from insomnia and it can be tempting to pop in a sleeping pill when struggling to sleep, however are sleeping pills dangerous and can they do more harm than good?

There are over 30 different types of sleeping pills, some which can only be bought with a prescription. The main objective of a sleeping pill is to slow down the brain and centeral nervous system and are used by people to reduce anxiety, help with relaxing and helps with sleep.

But what are the pros and cons and how can it harm us?

The pros:

  • Sleeping tablets that are prescribed by the doctor are very strong.
  • The sleeping pill can help tackle insomnia

The cons:

  • Sleeping pills have many side effects including drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, clumsiness, mood swings and poor memory. These side effects can last several hours.
  • Taking sleeping pills for a prelonged period of time can result in your body becoming tolrent to the drug and therefore the dose will have to be increased.
  • Once the user has stopped taking the drug consumers can develop withdrawel symptons from the drug and develop symptons such as anixiety and shaking. The user can become addicted and find it hard to stop taking the sleeping pill.
  • Sleeping pills have been suggested to lower a person's life expectation and gives them a greater risk of death.

So with these cons, why are people still insisting on taking the sleeping pill? It may be better to find other ways to help you sleep before you consider popping this dangerous pill.

By Claire Lancaster

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