Getting a good night's rest can be difficult

Getting a good night's rest can be difficult

The key to a perfect night's sleep is a mystery to most and something we can only strive to achieve.

But according to new research, we need only follow a few certain activities. Go to bed at exactly 10pm, wear pyjamas and enjoy a cup of tea beforehand.

The study of 2,000 people was carried out by bedlined company Bedeck and shows how most people enjoy at least two hours and seven minutes of 'down time' before going to sleep.

"The actual time people are going to bed is important, with most people ensuring they get a healthy eight or nine hours a night," says Tania Johnston, spokeswoman for Bedeck.

Relaxed activity during the evening will get you ready for bed and the last piece of food to enter your lips should be eaten an hour and 31 minutes before bed, followed by a cup of tea at 9.10pm.

"It would be great to know that if you followed a certain string of events, and approached bed time in the same way every night, you would be guaranteed a wonderful night's sleep," says Ms Johnston.

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