Healthy eating could boost your libido

Healthy eating could boost your libido

While the saying mostly holds true that men think about sex every seven seconds, it could not be more different, as their minds are more likely focused on food than fornication, a new survey has found.

According to Sue Norton, from the UK’s fastest growing weight loss company, Boossh, while it is generally acknowledged that the issues of weight and dieting can indeed affect relationships, a new study shows that if women maintain a balanced and healthy diet, their sex lives would improve.

According to a survey by the Atkins organisation, one in four women think about food more than sex, putting more effort into dieting and weight-loss goals than getting hot and heavy in the bedroom with their significant other.

To add insult to injury for many men, the study also found that one in 10 women feel more guilt about cheating on their diet than they do about cheating on their partner.

Norton explains:  “Being obese or overweight certainly has a negative impact have on women’s self-esteem, which in turn almost certainly has a secondary effect on their sex life.”

“What the Boossh weight loss programme tries to do is change their attitude to food and focus on maintaining a balanced, healthy diet, feel better about themselves, and ramp up their sex drive again.”

“Without going into too much detail, I can tell you that many clients have reported that losing weight using our plans has significantly improved the quality of their sex lives,” Norton said.

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