Healthy eating should be part of our everyday lives, and lingerie model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley knows the importance of this.

Rosie reveals how she thinks we can all eat healthier

Rosie reveals how she thinks we can all eat healthier

Rosie admits that she wishes people were better educated about nutrition and shares how she thinks people can stay healthy.

Speaking to Stylist magazine, she said: "It's important to understand that we eat to fuel ourselves rather than fill ourselves up.

"I'd also give everyone a patch of land so they can grow vegetables and fruit. I have one at home; I grow all types of different things like herbs, tomatoes and greens."

But the 27 year old still likes to indulge herself once in a while with a roast dinner; Rosie says she loves to throw weekly dinner parties at her home in Los Angeles as a way to maintain her British roots - she's originally form Devon.

She said: "I have a lot of British friends in LA which helps me stay rooted. I have a good roast once a week and invite my British friends over. I don't drink tea - I'm probably the only British girl you'll meet who doesn't drink tea - but I do like a Hobnob or Rich Tea [biscuit]."

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