The essential fatty acids found in salmon have a positive effect on our health

The essential fatty acids found in salmon have a positive effect on our health

To halve your risk of rheumatoid arthritis eat just one portion of salmon a week, says new research.

Scientists found that one portion of fatty fish a week can help keep it at bay.

But if salmon is not your favourite, you can also try trout, mackerel and kippers which are all rich in long-chain omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufa).

The same applies for four weekly servings of lean fish, such as cod or tuna.

Even eating just one portion of any type of fish each week for 10 years leads to a 29% cut in risk of arthritis, compared to those eating less fish.

Rheumatoid arthritis, which affects around 580,000 men and women across England and Wales, is a chronic inflammatory disease that causes pain and swelling in the joints.

After studying of 32,000 women over a 10-year period, the Swedish researchers found those who eat more than 0.21g of Omega 3 Pufas a day are less likely to develop the chronic joint condition. 

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