There's no excuse for limited time with these exercises

There's no excuse for limited time with these exercises

We've all used the excuse of not having enough time to workout, but who is it really benefiting in the long run? 

Now, there is no excuse of time with these quick exercises that work the whole body. 

James Haskell is the health and fitness ambassador for The Healthcounter, to see James’s product range and seasonal blog topics visit, and he is on hand to help. 

He says: “I would say you should do a 5 minute tabata, which is a form of high intensity interval training. It is a method that is much more beneficial within this specific time frame than regular, moderate intensity training, such as jogging, biking, skipping, and so forth and in my view much more fun!”

One suggested circuit which is guaranteed to get your heart rate-up and sweating.

10 x standard press-ups

No rest

10 burpee jumps – start standing up – feet slightly apart. Then drop down to a crouching position on the floor, with your knees, which should be up to the chest, with your hands either side of the knees, palms to the floor. Then jump out into a press-up position. Then jump back into a crouching position and then jump back up into the air landing back into the standing position. Then repeat

No rest

10 Spiderman’s – Position yourself on the ground in a push-up position with hands a shoulder width apart and feet together, resting on your toes. Keeping one’s spine straight. Then using your abdominals, move your leg forward, bring your left leg to your left hand and then back to the neutral position. Repeating for the right leg.

No rest

10 sit-ups – Unlike the “Crunch”, which is predominantly a shoulder movement as the lower back should be kept on the ground. The sit-up you lift-up your whole torso off the ground moving through the vertical sit-up position and then back down again.

No rest

10 each leg lunge change-up to the other leg

No rest

Sprinting on the spot for 10 seconds

Repeat as many circuits as you can within the scheduled 5 minutes.

So, go on ladies. Let's get those heart rates pumping. 

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