Former England cricket captain, Michael Vaughan has become the ambassador of a free online knee clinic launched by Bupa.
Vaughan was forced to retire from cricket following a series of knee injuries and he believes people who suffer with knee injuries like him should not have to put up with it any longer.
He said: “It is so important that people understand their options when it comes to treating knee pain and that they’re not suffering in silence.”
And with research claiming that 1 in 4 Britons have suffered from knee pains in the past year and 81% of sufferers are currently in pain, it is time we started addressing the problem and realise there are ways to help us ease the pain.
And with a third of those affected having been in pain for over 5 years, whilst over two fifth having opted not to visit their GP, with 30% of those cases believing “nothing can be done”, Vaughan believes Bupa online clinic is the first step to help. And with only 1 in 3 people claiming they were offered a good choice of treatments for those who did visit their GP, many people are choosing to suffer in silence.
A survey by Bupa claimed that knee problems affects all ages – not just old people and sportspeople. With 1 in 5 people suffering with knee conditions within the last year between the ages of 25 – 34, it proves that anyone can be affected and there needs to be more awareness on how to treat the condition. The survey also revealed day-to-day activities such as walking and using the stairs were common causes of knee pains, rather than sport actives such as running or football.
Bupa Musculoskeletal Clinical Director, Dr Tom Crisp, explained: “There are now many different ways to treat knee pain – from physio and lifestyle changes, such as exercise and improved diet, through to podiatry and injections – and most people will be able to find a solution that works for them.” He continued: “If patients are better informed about their treatment options, they will have a much more constructive conversation with their GP and will ultimately have better outcomes.”
Dr Tom Crisp added: “There is a misconception that knee problems only affect the old or the very sporty. In fact, knee pain symptoms can be triggered by a whole range of daily activities. Because of this, if left untreated, knee pain can have a huge impact on people’s lives.”
Bupa Knee Clinic is a website open to members and non-members and offers advice about treatment options available for knee problems and general prevention tips.
Vaughan said: “Throughout my career, I made sure I was kept fully informed about my injuries and different treatment options – choosing the ones that were most appropriate for me and understanding the impact they’d have on my life and my cricket. It means that I’m confident enough to know that, for now, I can keep my knees healthy through exercise and diet, without resorting to surgery.”
By Claire Lancaster
Tagged in Health