Looking for an easy way to boost your health and wellbeing? All you have to do is give. 

Health on Female First

Health on Female First

New research supports the growing body of evidence that doing good, in all its different forms can boost your health and wellbeing – particularly important for beating the January blues.

Over three-quarters of people surveyed donated to charity last year, with those that did give reporting higher levels of optimism about the forthcoming year. 60% of those who gave last year said they felt more hopeful about the year ahead, compared to 40% of non-givers. In addition to an increased sense of optimism, those who donated to charity last year felt other benefits from it, with more than three quarters of those who gave to others reporting that donating their time or money to help meet the needs of their communities made them feel good.

A third of those surveyed who hadn’t given to charity last year said they would be more interested in doing so if they knew it would also improve their own wellbeing,  so ensuring that people are aware of the benefits of giving could inspire many more people to give to good causes. This is why Give More – a growing movement of people pledging to give more time, money and energy to the causes they care about – is encouraging people to help others whilst at the same time boosting their health and wellbeing.

Tamar Ghosh, Campaign Director, Give More says: “For many people the festive period represents a time of excess and January is a time in which people seek to counter this, often through embarking on health and fitness regimes. We want to re-position health and wellbeing in the context of giving and remind people that building giving into their regimes can make a huge difference, not only to others but to their own health and wellbeing.  We’ve developed the G-plan to make giving to good causes as easy as possible and indeed many of the ideas will not cost people a penny!” 

Giving doesn’t have to cost a huge amount of time or money. In fact, topping the list of things people say would make them feel better in January is a ‘smile from a stranger’, followed by ‘doing something to help others’ and a ‘hello from a neighbour’ - proving that even doing something very small can have a positive effect on those around you. To help people understand how to include these little acts of kindness in their everyday lives, Give More has created a ‘G-Plan’ (Giving-plan) with simple ideas for how to give on a daily basis.

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