Hayley Newton is helping you get in shape for summer

Hayley Newton is helping you get in shape for summer

Being on Show!

It's coming around to that time of year again, where the Italia Conti Arts Centre perform their end of year show. All the students get excited to show parents, friends & loved ones what they have been getting up to throughout the last 3 terms. Along with the nerves, fun & excitement, also comes long tedious hours of rehearsal. When you are working for 10-12 hours a day your diet & fitness tends to go on the back burner. Whether you are a performer or someone who is constantly on show, your appearance is important. 

Unfortunately with show business, how you look is taken into account. What I hate most about this, is the fact I have to make the students aware. Every person is built differently with genetics that can cause you problems or hassle. No ones figure is the same. 

Although we have fitness every week for our students, the one thing we find hard to control is their diet. Whilst one student may be a chef extraordinaire, the other may choose to live on coffee & crisps all day. My job as their mentor is to try and make them understand that their diet of eating healthy food is going to help prolong their careers and bodies. 

When it comes to show week, one of my main things to ask them to cut out is ALCOHOL! I wouldn't say it helps every single person... some people can drink wine & beer & still manage to maintain their six pack abs, for others, maybe not so much. I would say that cutting out the alcohol, we see quite a substantial difference to the tone of their bodies after just 2 weeks. The second thing we ask them to cut out is sweets and replace that dreaded sweet tooth urge with some fruit. Just these two things alone are already helping the students to try and substitute things that aren't as good for you for more healthier solutions.

For more reasons than just putting on a show, eating healthier will help your appearance, as it will give you the much needed vitamins & minerals that will help keep your skin, nails & hair vibrant, strong & healthy.

There is a huge difference between 'dieting' and your 'diet'. Dieting can be a crash diet which can make a drastic change to your appearance, but eventually when it ends, you tend to just pile the weight you lost back on. I prefer the word 'diet' when it is used as more of a lifestyle choice if you can actually stick and adapt to it. Its more about healthy eating which you can maintain long-term.

If you are a picky eater (like I am) this can be challenging, however, there are many healthy things out there that can substitute for the naughty cakes, sweets and chocolate that can still taste yummy. Experiment! Try out different and unusual things.

If you would like to see my students in action next week, please come along to the Shaw Theatre, 100-110 Euston Road, London, 7.30pm Fri 12th July to see what we've been up to.

Hope to see you there ;) call 01483 568070 for tickets.

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