Hayley Newton is helping you get in shape for summer

Hayley Newton is helping you get in shape for summer

Although you don’t always get what you wish for, you do get what you work for!

Don’t lose faith, you’ve got this!!!

Lets get on with week 5.

Whether it’s biking to work or taking the stairs, walking the dog or parking further away from the store, being physically active offers countless benefits.

This week I decided to leave the car in the drive. Just by doing this, look at the calories I have dropped daily.Apart from getting the most out of all the extra exercise, I saved a fortune on petrol and parking. Not forgetting traffic jams, boy racers, parking tickets, having to watch the guy in the car opposite picking his nose like there's no tomorrow. 

Where we live affects how we live. Parks, gyms, shops and other destinations within walking distance—all of these neighborhood features can make a difference in how active we are.

I have made a list of how everyday active life can help us keep healthy and happy…..

Walk to the supermarket, carrying those bags home will tone those arms? 30 minutes each way is

300 calories

Wash the car yourself for 30 minutes instead of taking them it to the carwash?

130 calories.

Jog to work for 20 minutes

140 calories

Walk and push the stroller to the park for 30 minutes,play with the kids 30 minutes and walk back

380 calories

That’s 950 calories in total….nice one guys!

Get around with less machine power and more of your OWN muscle power. If you Walk The Walk, or pedal the pedal, you'll see the world around you and burn plenty of fat but no fuel.

Technology has made us lazier, we all know this. I'm sure you've heard countless renditions of your parents and/or grandparents stories, describing how even in the craziest blizzards & iciest snow storms, they would still walk many miles to school and back. No one's parents dropped them off by car, they couldn't afford the bus, & only the richest families would have a bike to cycle... Blah blah. We've all heard it! However, maybe you should actually look at those black & white pictures your grandma shows you with pride of her younger years. Are they obese? Are they sitting on a couch with their feet up, with one hand stuffed into a take away box? Nope! They're slim & fit & have worked so hard to earn ends meat, you can see their bone structure. Kate Moss would've been envious. 

So lets take a step back from technology this week. Leave the car, save your petrol, hell save the environment, and walk everywhere. 

Walk to the shops to get your groceries, rather than getting Tescos to bring it to your door. Walk to the shops & to dinner instead of getting a delivery from online. And actually walk to MEET your friends and socialise in PERSON instead of just calling them, or worse, texting them! All of these little changes not only will help you lose calories, but will also help you get out and see the world more!

Have fun this week. Wrap up warm! It's a cold spring ;)

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