Dr Larisa Corda is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and is one of the UK’s leading Fertility experts. For more details please visit www.drlarisacorda.com

Health on Female First

Health on Female First

It’s been a record-breaking Summer, with July having the hottest day ever on record! But with temperatures high, it can be really difficult to cope; especially if you’re pregnant and have an added degree of heat intolerance.

The good news is that there are ways around it and though you may not be able to change the weather, you can change your immediate environment to help you if you’re expecting. Here’s how:

  • Make sure you drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Water is good, but consider an isotonic drink such as coconut water to replace all the electrolytes which are being sweated away. Over hydration with water can dilute electrolytes to cause fatigued muscles and cramps. If you are suffering from morning sickness, you may be losing more liquid through vomiting, which makes it even more important to replace. Small amounts drank often throughout the day is key, and keeping the drink close beside you wherever you are.
  • Carry a water spray for your face and body that you can use regularly throughout the day to help you to cool down. There are some which are made with pure coconut water that are particularly beneficial and hydrating.
  • Swim to stay cool, and for exercise. It’s one of the best forms of fitness when you are pregnant, plus it helps to remove the pressure from your sciatic nerve too, making you feel more comfortable. Only try to exercise during the cooler times of day, when the heat is not so intense.
  • Wear breathable natural fabrics on yourself to help you feel cooler and prevent rashes from forming under your tummy and breasts. This includes linen, cotton and silk. Go for clothing which is loose and light in colour.
  • Stay out of direct sunlight, wear a wide brimmed hat and always apply the highest SPF you can, preferably 50, as pregnant women are more prone to sunburn and it’s important to protect yourself from the harshest rays of sun.
  • Allow yourself some rest time at the end of the day when you will be feeling tired. The heat can exacerbate any swelling you may be experiencing, especially the legs, so be sure to keep them elevated by placing a pillow under your legs when resting, wearing shoes which are about half a size bigger, and also removing anything that feels too tight.
  • On particularly hot days, consider staying inside with the air conditioning turned on, and placing a cool, damp washcloth applied to the back of your neck, your forehead, or the top of your head. This is a really a good way to keep your body temperature down.

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