The main symptom is the relentless pursuit of thinness through self-starvation. This may become so extreme that it's life-threatening. It most frequently affects young women, but anorexia is found among both sexes of all ages, and across social and ethnic groups.

Severe weight loss
Distortions and misconceptions about weight and body size
Obsession with food and calories
Preoccupation with self-control
Excessive exercising
Isolation, loss of friends
Emotional, irritable behaviour
Secret vomiting/purging
Disruption/cessation of menstrual periods

Bulimia nervosa

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Isabelle had anorexia - watch her story.

This condition is characterised by overeating followed by self-induced vomiting and sometimes purging with laxatives. It can develop at any age, although it often follows an episode of anorexia. Bulimia can have serious long-term physical consequences, such as damage to the stomach, tooth enamel and vocal cords. Some of the signs include:

Binge-eating large amounts of food
Obsession with food and calories
Vomiting and purging
Often disappearing to the lavatory after meals
Secretive behaviour
Feeling out of control
Disrupted menstrual periods
Very low self-esteem

A variety of people treat eating disorders, using different techniques. These include family doctors, psychiatrists, dieticians and, ideally, a multidisciplinary team on a specialised eating disorders unit.

Treatment includes self-help approaches and psychological treatments, especially cognitive behavioural therapy, which aims to give people a better understanding of their condition and learn ways to change their behaviour.

Getting better is often a long, slow process. For example, 30 per cent of people with anorexia who have apparently recovered relapse in the first year after treatment and need more therapy. As many as 50 per cent recover completely, while another 30 to 40 per cent manage to lead a normal life.

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