A natural process on the skin surface involving sweat causes body odour. Sweat is odourless, but if sweat is left on the skin, the bacteria that normally live on the skin break it down. This process releases chemicals that give it an unpleasant smell.
Some areas of the skin, such as the armpits and genitals, are more likely to produce body odour because the sweat glands in these areas are slightly different. These glands produce proteins and oily substances that bacteria feed on. Sweat elsewhere in the body is mostly salty water and bacteria cannot thrive so easily, so less odour-forming chemicals are made.
Feet may also produce their own characteristic odour, which is often different to that of the rest of the body because we tend to wrap them up in socks and shoes, which makes them hot and humid, allowing fungi as well as bacteria to flourish.
The smell of body odour may also be influenced by diet. Certain foods contain chemicals that may be excreted in the skin, such as curry, garlic and other strong spices.
Young children rarely have body odour because the specialised glands in the armpits and genital areas don't become active until puberty. However, if they rarely have a bath or wash, mild body odour can develop.
At puberty sweat glands develop under the stimulation of hormones and protein, and oil production by the skin in armpits and genital areas increases. Body odour may then become a problem, especially if hygiene is poor.
The symptom of body odour is an unpleasant smell
The symptom of body odour is an unpleasant smell that may be worse in hot and sweaty conditions. The actual smell varies from person to person as the 'recipe' of sweat is individual.
The smell almost always disappears with a shower or bath but can rapidly return, especially if a person puts on unwashed clothes that are covered in old sweat and bacteria.
Most people can easily recognise body odour, except unfortunately the person who has it, who may be so accustomed to their smell that they don't notice it.
Treatment is simple - have regular baths or showers at least once a day. After puberty, an antiperspirant and deodorant is useful to reduce sweating (some also inhibit bacterial growth) but this is rarely needed for younger children.
Fresh clothes should be worn every day and clothing should be washed at as high a temperature as possible and then dried as quickly as possible (bacteria can survive in damp clothing and produce a characteristic smell within the clothing).
Feet should be washed regularly, dried thoroughly and treated with antifungal (anti-athlete's foot) powders if necessary. Avoid closed sweaty shoes such as trainers and wear fresh cotton socks or bare feet in open sandals as often as possible. Avoiding very spicy foods may help.
Tagged in Health