Feeling old, stressed and tired is a common complaint for many, and we’re quick to blame outside influences such as work and relationships.

Now, a ground breaking new study has shown that youth and wellbeing may actually be hidden deep inside of us – in our gut.

The study of 1000 people by Multibionta Probiotic Multivitamin, found that in the last six months one third of the sample suffered from gut-related problems such as IBS, bloating, abdominal pain and loose stools and that this had a direct link with how old they felt, being overly stressed and having a poor quality of life.

Of those who had stomach problems, 40% felt older than their years and 56% felt more tired than they should at their age - almost double the amount felt by those without gut problems.

Tiredness and fatigue, often synonymous with ‘feeling old and worn out’ was a key problem for those fed up to the ‘core’ with digestive discomfort. 69% of sufferers said that they wake up tired after a poor night’s sleep and even 52% say that eating certain foods affects their energy levels.

Ageing and tiredness were just the tip of the iceberg for those with tummy troubles. 56% agreed that life’s ‘things’ can just get too much for them and 53% often feel anxious and upset because of the condition.

Professor Alex Gardner who led the study believes that these views are a result of putting up with digestive stress problems. “Very often people feel that they can’t control or treat their symptoms. The result is what psychologists call “learned helplessness”. These psychological states of mind are understandable when one considers the restrictions that gut disorders can put on a person’s lifestyle.

Life satisfaction was the main factor that influences how people feel. Quality of life is very important to us and we may feel less old when our gut is managed properly. If we get the mental attitude right to take control, the body will respond in better ways and we will feel more youthful.

Over a third of those with digestive discomfort used probiotics to help their gut problems. A probiotic multivitamin, like Multibionta, can help alleviate digestive problems and help people manage the condition.”

Leading microbiologist Professor Glenn Gibson at the University of Reading says:“10% of our energy actually comes from the friendly bacteria which exist in our bodies. Topping up our levels with a probiotic multivitamin is a great way to ensure we keep our energy levels up and can help people cope with their hectic lifestyles. Those with gastro-protective coating ensure that a full delivery of probiotic cultures reach the gut intact and get to work immediately, to ensure a healthy, balanced digestive system”.

Professor Glenn Gibson’s five top tips to maintaining a healthy gut are:
Try a probiotic supplement like Multibionta to boost your beneficial gut bacteria
Take a high fibre diet (fresh fruit, vegetables) and avoid too much protein or fat
Don't have too many snacks between meals and don't skip breakfast
Some gas indicates good gut bacterial function - it is fine to be anti-social while healthy!!
When your gut tells you it is time to visit the "bathroom" - don't ignore it!

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