There's nothing worse than suffering with a horrible hangover

There's nothing worse than suffering with a horrible hangover

It's the party season and the last thing you need to be suffering from on a weekly basis is a dreadful hangover.

Unpleasant and time-consuming, hangovers are the result of too much alchol the night before. Though some say it's your body being dehydrated which causes the hangover symtoms, this hasn't been proven, the cause is unknown.

For help combating a hangover, look no further, we've done the research and found a few ways to make sure you're not a hangover victim.

Never drink on an empty stomach. If you have a proper meal before you go out, drinking on a full stomach will help to slow down the effects of alcohol.

Stay hydrated. If you know you're going out that night, stay hydrated during the day by drinking plenty of water. When you get in from a night out, try to drink a couple of glasses of water, there's no scientific proof thid will stop a hangover, but it might ease it by curing dehydration.

Alternate drinks. When you're out, alternate between a glass of water and an alcoholic drink. Contrary to popular beliefs, you can still end up nice and merry doing this and the next day your body will thank you for it.

Sweat it out. Exercising the next day can be a good hangover cure however, if you're in no fit state to do this, a steaming hot bath could also help to sweat out the toxins.

A hangover cure for some appears to be "hair of the dog", drinking more alcohol the next day to cure your existing hangover. But beware, this doesn't cure, it only prolongs and the inevitable hangover will come, probably twice as bad.


Alexandra Baracskai

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