What's so difficult about including these in your diet?

What's so difficult about including these in your diet?

Fruit and vegetables should be part of our daily diet, in fact we’re advised the eat five portions of it – but we all know that’s a hard feat, so what is so hard to swallow?

New research, from V8 V-Fusion Juice, shows that the top 3 reasons why we generally dislike vegetables is the texture, the smell and the childhood fear that because we didn’t eat them then we still won’t like them now.

Surprisingly though, Brussel Sprouts managed to make the top 10 for most liked veggies, coming in at number 7.

What’s more shocking is what came in at number one – the potato, despite the fact it’s not actually a vegetable it was still voted in at the top spot.

Just 28% of the nation are consuming five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, as recommended by the NHS, with a mere 6% of Brits consuming the newly-advised seven servings.

And as it turns out, age doesn’t necessarily mean wisdom as 1 in 5 people aged between 35 and 44 have no idea what a beetroot looks like, compared to 1 in 10 18-24 year olds. 

Don't miss this article on expert tips and advice for the new guidlelines for fruit and veg

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