Sunny Brar shares her tips
Sunny Brar, Central England Weightlifting Champion and ranked number two in Britain, shares her five personal top tips on how to stay fit, healthy and motivated.
Keep hydrated
Try and drink at least two litres of water a day! I try to drink at least four litres because of the amount that I train. The times which I haven't done so, I have noticed the negative impact it has had on my performance. However, filling up a 2L bottle helps me to achieve this every day as there are no excuses but to drink it as it is there.
Get your body ready
It is really important to stretch before and after training as flexibility is really important if you want to get the most out of the workout.
Be prepared
If possible, try and prepare your meals ahead of time so you have good, healthy food to hand when you need it. I prepare my meals the day before so I don’t find myself wasting time in the supermarket or eating the wrong thing because I am starving or rushed and I always have something to hand so my body is fuelled and ready for the next training session.
Show some respect
Always respect the weights you lift! Start your warm up by lifting lighter weights but always remember that your warm up lifts are just as important as your work-out weight lifts, because if you can't get the technique right on the lighter lifts you’re going to struggle with the heavier ones!
Get the right kit
Make sure that you have the right kit for your workout, particularly footwear. Trainers may work well for general cardio workouts but for weightlifting you need more support. I have got a pair of shoes specifically designed for weightlifting. They are custom made in the ‘Superman’ colours and besides from loving the look of them, the heel gives me more support and therefore stability in the squat position.
Tagged in Athlete Health Train fitness tips