Although many women take diet pills daily, there are severe risks involved in taking them. The diet pill indrustry revolves mainly around the internet and some pills are not completly safe, despite many women still taking them. It is important to know what you are putting in to your body before you take any form of pill.
What are the dangers?
Side effects - Diet pills have mant side effects that can cause health problems to you. These include high blood pressure, liver problems, heart problems, headaches nausea, breathing problems, increased heart rate, addiction and stomach pains.
No weight loss - Many diet pills exist that are unlikely to make you lose weight. It would be better if you saved the money from the diet pills and used it to buy fitness gear and healthier food.
The pills are not regulated - Diet pills that are sold as health suppliments are not regulated. This means that dangerous ingredients may be used to make the pills. Many of the pills have had to be stopped after consumers complained about bad side effects from taking the pills.
Vitamin Deficiency Risks - Diet pills can restrict vital vitimins getting in to your body.
Bad digestion problems - Diet pills block fat from getting in to your body but this causes gas with discharge, oily stools, loose stools and pains are just a few of the side effects that you may experience.
Increased risk of heart attacks and strokes - The main ingredient found in many diet pills are stimulants that are known to increase the risk of hear attacks and strokes.
Addiction - One of the main side effects is addiction. If you take diet pills regulary, your body can become dependent on the pills to function properly.
By Claire Lancaster