How much extra are you paying to get in shape for summer?
The introduction of the light nights this month has seen an increased spenditure in getting our bodies bikini-ready in time for summer.
New research has found that a third of Brits have upped their outlay on fitness or dieting prodcuts this past month.
The most common expenditure was a gym membership, followed by diet plans, team sports or club memebrship and then home fitness equipment.
“As soon as the lighter evenings start, we immediately tend to think of summer. And when that happens, a good few of us start to think about our beach bodies," explains George Charles of www.VoucherCodesPro.co.uk, who conducted the survery.
"It seems that the longer evenings help to kick-start our exercise routines as the summer holidays loom large on the horizon.”
Of those that said their expenditure had gone up, 61% claimed that they intended to ‘lose weight for the summer’. 27% claimed that the ‘clocks changing’ spurred them on.
When asked whether or not they felt the extra expenditure had been spent wisely, 32% felt that they’d ‘noticed an improvement’; however a quarter said that they considered it to be a ‘waste of money’. 39% said that they would still ‘wait and see’ if it was worth it.
When those that claimed to have wasted money were asked why they felt that way, 42% confessed that they’d ‘already given up’ on their exercise routine or diet.
George continued: “We might embrace the kick-start provided by the changing clocks, but it seems that this initial enthusiasm only lasts for a short period. That’s fine if you take up road running, but if you’ve signed up for a lengthy diet plan or committed to a pricey gym membership, then you’d be better off getting your money’s worth before you throw the towel in.”
Tagged in exercise Diet fitness tips