The baobab's spreading health and happiness

The baobab's spreading health and happiness

A new superfruit has been hailed as super in more ways than one after its growing popularity has been turned into a working system helping impoverished communities in Africa. 

Originating from Africa, the little known "baobab" fruit is generally used as a health and vitality boost because of it's rich vitamin B and C content.

Since becoming known to the Western world, the charity "PhytoTrade Africa" has recognised its potential and have implemented a work system in which African communities are able to harvest and earn an income that can pay for everyday necessities, healthcare and education.

With UK support behind the charity, Comic Relief has pledged £500,000 to help the PhytoTrade Africa Baobab project and companies in the UK have started to sell the baobab fruit products.

High flying magazine Forbes, renound for recognising the rich and luxurious, has reported the baobab fruit as being the next big superfood.

Packed full of nutritional goodies that boosts your health and wellbeing, the fruit also helps with numerous digestive problems, acting as a powerful prebiotic.

The baobab's found throughout many parts of Africa and has played a prominent role in African culture and tradition. 



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