Leading psychologist and time management specialist Dr. David Lewis is urging women to 'spring clean' their lives in a bid to protect their sanity and their health.
It follows recent research by Imodium which revealed that over two-thirds of women in the UK achieved 'poor' or 'very poor' life balance levels.
Dr. Lewis has also developed a website where women can check just how out of balance their lives.
Take the lifebalance challenge here.
The Imodium Life Balance Survey[1] revealed that 10% of women questioned work more than 60 hours a week and 15% claim to spend less than 6 hours a week enjoying their relationship. Over a fifth are often stressed[2] and nearly a quarter take less than the recommended 2.5 hours exercise a week[3].
Dr. Lewis's research shows that women are putting not only their relationships and career prospects at risk by taking on too much, but endangering their health as well.
With high stress levels and little time to eat and exercise properly, the chance of women developing stress related digestive health problems such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and diarrhoea is significantly increased[4].
Commonly affecting people between the ages of 20 and 30, IBS and is twice as common in women as in men[5], so we need to be aware of the consequences and take measures to monitor our lifestyles.
Sponsored by Imodium, the www.lifebalancechallenge.com website has been developed with a unique equation for assessing how out of balance your life is and will establish what type of life balance personality you currently have.
Developed by Dr. David Lewis, the site aims to get women to assess their life balance ratings and gives tips on how to get your mind body and soul back in balance this spring for a happy and healthy 2008.