Tayo Irvine Hendrix

Tayo Irvine Hendrix

Celebrity healer Tayo Irvine Hendrix has revealed to FemaleFirst her secrets to making sure 2009 is the year you become true to yourself. The Tayo Healing "First Steps Program" uses the power thought, action and outcome allowing you growth for the mind, body and spirit by de-toxing over three days.

Tayo has these tips to make sure you all begin the new year on a healthy, happy high. Over to Tayo...

Day 1

I want you to close your eyes and briefly take stock of your life and really think about what you want to happen this year. This year is 2009 and it is going to be an amazing year for all of us. This year the glass is half full not half empty because you are going to learn the Tayo Secret. The power of thought, action and outcome - the secret is how something so simple can change your life forever.

Firstly, focus on what you want this year and what you are prepared to do to achieve this. You are a strong spirited individual who lives in a real world and walks a spiritual pathway rather than a yellow brick road.

Exercise Emotional Healing Take a few moments to link with your soul’s core. Spend time really connecting with yourself. Can you hear your heart beat? Can you feel the blood flowing through your veins? Scan your body briefly telling it to relax... Now, ask yourself quietly and internally how many wonderful things have you done recently?

How many times have you saved someone without realising as you did so? A smile given in the street, may have made the difference between, "I can’t go on" and "people do care". Remember those warm feelings, remember how wonderful you are and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so caring and kind and for just being you. The world is a better place with you in it.

Remember always what makes you a valuable person, parent, partner, friend, guide, brother or sister and so on. You have a unique quality that makes you extremely valuable to someone else and vice versa. How many lives did you touch today without even knowing it, in the telephone call you made, or the smile you gave at the bus stop?

If we do not love and respect ourselves how can we expect another to? Love must start from within. To truly love you must accept something for what it is without change or criticism but in its pure form. You are love you are loveable you are divine spirit.

Day 2

Emotional Healing Exercise - I Am Love

Forgiveness is often seen as the key to moving forward, however, if you understand someone’s journey you will realise they did what they too had been taught and what they thought was the right thing to do. When you fully understand them, there is truly nothing to forgive. We are now going to write letters...letters of understanding. The following exercise will be repeated daily for 30 days.

Firstly, You need to be sure you will not be interrupted and recall from your memory times and places that you remember being hurt, emotionally or physically. Relax your mind completely, and tell yourself - "I am that I am, I am loving and lovable and all is well in my life".

Then take out a pen and paper. Write down one particular event and then sit and meditate with that event in your mind. Draw a large circle on a piece of paper and write down everything about that event that made you angry. Be brief and write fast and furious, let the anger pour onto the page until the circle is full of rage.

At the bottom of the page, write "Having now transferred all my anger from this period to this page I now destroy the negative energy I am carrying which no longer serves me".

We place the paper into the kitchen sink or somewhere safe where we are able to set fire to the paper and release all the anger and hostility captured there. As we do so we repeat. "I understand the events that happened and the reasons why. I forgive myself and I love myself unconditionally"

Now sit quietly for a moment and feel your body being surrounded by a white light, this is universal light filling you with unconditional love, the universe loves to replace negative energy with positive energy and there is nothing more positive than unconditional love. Visualise your whole body filling with this white light and your heart feels warm and at peace. You smile like you have never smiled before, knowing that divine spirit is within you - filling you with universal love and understanding.

You repeat to yourself "I Love Myself, I Love Unconditionally, I Am At Peace With The Past, I Am Loving In The Present, I Am That I Am, I Am Love."

As the body fills with love you will find you become sick less often, because your body restores itself to its natural wellness. Now you are at last clear and living in the now.

The universe is made up of rays of energy emanating from God/ Source. Universal energy is positive it is constructive, creative and productive. Each individual is made up of his or her own energy and this energy connects with the source; they can either be positive or negative.

Day 3

On waking take a moment to link with your soul... What is it you will do today to live your best life? Take this thought with you on your way today and be.... Be the change you want to see in your life each and every day. Start everyday with a thought, then turn that thought into an action and allow that action to become an amazing outcome. Thought action outcome, we think we do we are.

End each day with at least 20 minutes quiet time.

That may be in the bath, shower, when you are in bed. Simply take five diaphragmatic breaths and release the stress from the day. Thanking the day for all the experiences you may have had. And briefly go through your chakra clearing exercise.