Festivals greatly impact on our health

Festivals greatly impact on our health

Festival season may be drawing to a close, but that doesn't mean that we still shouldn't by thinking about our health when we attend one. 

Overcrowding and serious screaming make festivals a hotbed for summer illness. With the help of the best experts in the country, we’ve got the low down on festival flu, and how to avoid it to make sure your summer stays sniffle free.

Hangover Horror

With the party in full swing, and the cider flowing freely, the temptation to overindulge can be hard to ignore.

Nutritionist Nadia explains: “The diuretic effect of alcohol creates dehydration and thirst, contributing to a headache and foggy brain. The chemical reactions produced by the liver enzymes breaking down the ethanol in the alcohol may reduce the amount of glucose needed by the brain which can also contribute to the brain fog.”

A hangover usually begins several hours after drinking alcohol, when the liver struggles to detoxify and eliminate the excess alcohol. Sun Chlorella ‘A’ has been shown to enhance the detoxification of the liver and the subsequent removal of alcohol from the body. Professor Fukui of Sapporo Medicinal University has reported that even with a fairly large consumption of alcohol, hangovers can be prevented by up to 96% with chlorella.

Sun Chlorella is priced £21.95 for 300 tablets (a 20-30 day supply) and is available from www.SunChlorella.co.uk, free phone 0800 008 6166, www.victoriahealth.com,   www.NutriCentre.com, www.bodykind.com, Revital stores, www.revital.co.uk and good health stores.

Singing Strain?                                                                                                                              

The last 12 months has seen a string of high profile celebrity voice losses, making sore throats one of the most notorious minor health complaints around. In fact, 1 in 18 sore throat sufferers will consult their GP.

Adele famously disappointed fans earlier this year as throat issues forced her to reschedule her US tour, and it seems she’s not alone; sore throats have claimed many more famous voices as the Kings Of Leon announced that they were forced to cancel their entire US Tour because of lead singer Caleb Followill's "vocal issues and exhaustion.

If you’re planning on singing along to your favourite festival anthems this year, it’s important to learn from your idols and be aware of the danger or sore throats and vocal strain.  

Dr Mike Smith advises: “When it comes to treatment, experts believe that the best solution is one that lets the body ‘get on’ with its own defensive work.”

He explains: “Get your hands on something that will get straight to the site of the pain, such as an anaesthetic throat spray, but let the inflammatory process get on with it.  It’s highly likely that it’s a viral cause and nature will overcome it in almost all cases –given time, adequate liquid intake and a day or two in bed when really needed.” 

Ultra Chloraseptic® Anaesthetic Throat Spray Comes in three great tasting, sugar-free flavours –  Blackcurrant, Cherry and Original Menthol.  Available from pharmacies and large supermarkets without prescription. Priced £5.21 with each bottle containing over 30 adult doses (100 sprays)

Banging Head?

Studies have found that 50 to 80 percent of all people who get migraines believe a change in weather can set off a headache. Tiger Balm White is a topical analgesic which unlocks the eastern wisdom of Chinese herbalists to create a unique formula that is proven to successfully relieve tension headaches. Its unique combination of natural active ingredients Camphor, Menthol, Cajuput Oil and Clove Oil, coupled with the calming aroma of Mint Oil offers an ancient but effective answer to this form of tension related pain. Gently rubbed into the forehead or temples using circular motions and repeated as often as required - a little goes a long way.

Tiger Balm White is priced £4.67 for a 19g jar and is available from Boots, Sainsbury’s, independent pharmacies and health food stores nationwide. For further information call 0844 243 6661. Always read the label.

Portaloo Phobia?

Festivals wouldn’t be the same without a bit of grime but it’s important to keep eating utensils clean to avoid ingesting any germs as food poisoning and festival toilets don’t make a great combination.  Milton Antibacterial Surface Wipes are ideal for cleaning plates, cutlery and cups to ensure they are hygienically clean.  Clinically proven to kill harmful bacteria, and no need to rinse, these wipes are perfect for use while out and about.

Milton Antibacterial Surface Wipes costs £2.29 for pack of 30 and is available from all major supermarkets and pharmacies.

Dehydration Danger?

Summer festivals are usually a time to relax and enjoy ourselves but to do that we need to avoid the common pitfall of dehydration which can leave us with headaches, feeling tired, dizzy and grouchy.

Dr Emma Derbyshire, nutrition consultant to the Natural Hydration Council, said: “Our water requirements often change while on holiday because of the different surrounding temperature. Even in cooler temperatures, you should try to drink water regularly throughout the day and evening. It’s important to take extra special care in hot climates and limit how long you expose yourself to the hot sun, especially in the middle of the day. If in doubt, the Food Standards Agency provides a useful guide of 6 to 8 glasses of water a day for the average person.”

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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