With this winter predicted to be the worst since the Arctic season in 1963. We're all more at risk to catch the nasties. Swine flu has become a big worry for doctors who have warned that the disease may be worse than last year. Dr Catherine Hood comments: "Bacteria and viruses are all around us but we can minimise our risk of infection by following simple hygiene tips. Always wash your hands carefully with soap and water after going to loo; make sure you store, prepare and cook food appropriately; and change towels and cleaning cloths frequently. When it comes to the cleanliness of your home, don't rely on what looks clean, make sure an effective disinfectant is part of your cleaning routine too and look for one that's proven to kill bacteria and viruses, like Zoflora." The makers of Zoflora have created a list of top tips to reduce your risk of swine flu: Exercise control
Exercising several times a week increases the circulation of blood and nutrients and strengthens your body Sleep well
Ensure you're getting a good night's sleep as your body needs to rejuvenate and fortify when it is at rest. Water's worth
Drink plenty of water as this will help flush out toxins and keep you hydrated. Your five a day
Eat fruit and vegetables every day as they contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which will protect cells, particularly those within your immune system. Keep hands clean Stop germs spreading by washing your hands before and after eating food, after using the bathroom and after coughing or blowing your nose. You may like to carry a hand sanitizer with you for when you are in areas where there are lots of people who may be carrying the virus, for example if you travel on public transport. Home truth It is important to kill bacteria by ensuring your home is clean as new scientific research commissioned by makers of triple-action disinfectant, Zoflora, found that homes may be hosting thousands of unwelcome visitors that could bring illnesses to the family. Dirty work An army of diseases also live in your workplace - from your keyboard to your telephone. So wash them hands people, as regularly as you can. So stick to these tips and hopefully the winter nasties will stay away from you. And remember keep warm out there one or two thick jumpers just won't do the job, but lots of thin layers will keep you nice and warm. FemaleFirst Haleema Shabir