

Whatever is getting you down today, there is a way to beat the blues.


Simple, cheap and effective. Increasing the pulse rate replenishes that glow to your skin and helps you relax. Not sure it can get any easier than that!


Even dieting can be the cause of mood swings and feeling miserable. Take the day of and indulge with your guilty pleasures to get you through the day. Research has found people are turning to chocolate for a boost in happiness because the sugary goodness contains

phenylephylamine, a hormone that is triggered when you fall in love.

To reassure you, taking a day out of your diet plan will not disrupt it. Some diets don't give food options that can bring you out of the blues. It's just one day and the diet can resume tomorrow.

Be Random

Taking one day out of you daily routine to do something out of the ordinary gives you the adrenaline to forget your woes. If you can take the day off work to do something different then take advantage of it. If you're an active person,have a lazy day and if you're unmotivated, start something creative. Little things can switch your mood in the most dramatic of ways.

Do a good deed

It may not mean a great deal, but to that person you just helped, it may have made their day. As it's the most miserable day of the year, we're all in need of a helping hand and helping a stranger to do the littlest of things can make you feel positive. It can be as simple as picking up something they dropped.

Sleeping in late

It's cold, dark and somedays are just not worth the hassle. Today, stay in bed, watch movies and make a pot of tea. Sorted. If you don't have time to lie in for long, take an extra hour to wake up slowly. Personally the best day begins after a nice lie in.

Have a bubble bath

It's usually difficult to find at least an hour from a hectic schedule to enjoy some relaxation time. Today it's allowed. Buy a bubble bath that is lavender scented to help you zone out from everday stress.

Read a book

An uplifting one that is! Even during your work break, reading a book will take your mind off everything around you.

Have a laugh

Laughing releases the negative energy and replaces it with positives ones. Sitting down to a comedy or just listening to a comedian will set you well on your way to happiness. If that fails, youtube, has a great collection of videos to keep you smiling. It's fun to share a laugh with someone too.

Send a nice message

We all love to get a random text message to say that someone is thinking of us. Why not send a message to a close friend or family member? You never know, you could get a nice text back.

Tidy up

It's productive and a tidy room means a clean head for you.

What do you do to cheer up? Tell us below!

Naomi Havergal



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