Brazil nuts will you benefit your nutrition greatly

Brazil nuts will you benefit your nutrition greatly

Our pick of Superfood this week is the Brazil Nut.

All nuts are generally full of essential vitamins, minerals and fibre, but Brazil nuts contain an extraoridnary amount of selenium.

Just four nuts provide over 100 per cent of the Recommended Daily Allowance.

Selenium protects the body from free radicals that can cause heart disease and premature ageing.

Brazil Nuts are also an incredible source of zinc, magnesium, thiamine, phosphorous, copper, and iron, plus heart-healthy monounsaturated oils, and a full spectrum of amino acids, including vital performance boosters like methionine, arginine, and glutamine.

Although nuts are high in fat, the fat is mostly unsaturated fat, which has a beneficial effect on heart health.

Recent studies suggest that eating a small handful of nuts four times a week can help reduce heart disease and satisfy food cravings.

Snack on these instead of the chocolate bar that's hidden in your desk and see what benefits they make to your health.

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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