Have you been taken ill?

Have you been taken ill?

If you have finished work to start a holiday and then immediately become ill, you have probably suffered from the ‘Stop & Drop’ Syndrome.

No one knows exactly why ‘Stop & Drop’ exists, but it is believed that the body produces hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to keep us going while we’re busy, and help to keep our immune system working during stressful times. When we stop work, our stress hormone levels typically decline, which can lead to a weakening of immunity to illness and an increased susceptibility to viral infections, sickness bugs, colds and influenza.

According to a recent study by Cuticura, over half the nation is affected by ‘Stop & Drop’ Syndrome.  In fact, a massive 80% of us find illness can hit when we finally stop and rest after busy periods at work.

With many of us finishing work on Friday 21st December, Stop & Drop Syndrome could be the cause of a miserable festive season. You can make sure you reduce the risk by following these top tips from Cuticura:

1. Plan ahead so you can wind down slowly as you get closer to starting your holiday

2. Wash your hands as often as you can with soap and warm water - this is one of the most effective ways to reduce the chances of catching common infections

3. If you are out and about, use Cuticura Anti Bacterial Hand Serum to kill bacteria and protect your hands from re-infection for 8 hours

4. Wash your hand towels at least once a week - 100,000 bacteria can come into contact with your hands every time you dry them with a used, damp hand towel!

5. When at home, use Cuticura Anti Bacterial Hand Wash – the only antibacterial hand wash that kills bacteria and protects from re-infection for up to 3 hours

“It is important to wash your hands as much as possible throughout the day. If you can’t get to soap and warm water, I’d recommend a hand hygiene product like Cuticura Anti Bacterial Hand Serum which kills harmful bacteria and keeps on protecting hands for eight hours” Dr Carol Cooper, General Practitioner, writer and expert in family health

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