‘Holidays are coming, holidays are coming!’ When the Coca Cola advert appears on our screens during November it encourages everyone to embrace the festive spirit. It may be ‘the season to be jolly,’ but it is easy to go overboard and forget your responsibilities.
Christmas does not only bring crackers, presents and parties, it also brings an increase in drink driving figures.
The Lancashire Evening Post has revealed that various clubs across Lancashire have announced plans to offer free soft drinks to drivers out on the town this Christmas, other pubs and clubs are being advised to imitate the initiative.
Drivers will also be offered queue jump, free entry into the venues and free use of the cloakroom.
Meanwhile a new national campaign has also been launched in a bid to prevent people from driving whilst drunk this Christmas. You may think there is a never ending flow of campaigns being launched to stop people from drink driving and you would be right but it is extremely important to keep it in the minds of members of the public.
It is a popular misconception that just because you have had a few hours sleep you are fine to drive, the truth is alcohol is still in your body and you could still be over the limit, making it dangerous to drive.
An article on the Times Online revealed that in a recent survey 62% of men said they would drink drive at Christmas whereas 34% of women admitted they would do the same.
10% of people also admitted that they would get into a car knowing the driver had been drinking this is because when people have had a few drinks their brain does not think of the consequences. If someone is feeling tired or ill from alcohol the last thing on their mind is 'has the driver been drinking?' when all they want is to get home.
If you are worried that you will get so drunk you could end up in a car with almost anyone, prevent this from happening by drinking a glass on water in between each alcohol beverage and hopefully you will be more aware and in a better state of mind when yopu leave the last club or bar.
Of course drink driving should be avoided all year round and the Government should not only be targeting the issue once a year but it so happens that drink-driving is propelled in to the public eye at Christmas because it is a time when family celebrations are a regular occurrence.
In England and Wales last year, 9000 people were caught driving under the influence of alcohol. These are shocking figures when you consider that in 2008 according to the Telegraph 430 people died because of drink driving.
The campaign will run from the 1st December until 1st January and it will see police officers undertaking alcohol checks at the side of the road.
Taxis are expensive so if you are the designated driver on a night out is the perfect way to save a few pounds. However when ferrying your mates around the best bars, seeing them enjoy an alcohol-fuelled fun time, it is easy to get jealous and feel left out.
It is easy to fall in to the trap of joining in with the drinking sesh and then not wishing to leave your car in a lonely car park miles from your home.
Don’t be tempted into that ‘one last drink’ else you risk running the chance of it being your ‘one last drive.’
Female First
Kelly Warden