Reiki (correctly pronounced "ray-kee") is a form of "universal "energy healing. Very much as with some forms of Eastern self defence like martial arts it is seen as a belief and behaviour approach towards personal fulfilment and living your best life, and whose principles (and philosophy to some degree) can help to explain a balance in your life and lead to total well-being.
It is an amazing form of self-healing and is based on ancient Eastern teachings. For many years Reiki forms where often said to be secret to those who had trained with the true Masters but happily it is now being taught to various students around the world. Reiki is often practised as part of the mainstream health service now through hospitals, clinics and doctors’ surgeries.
Tayo Irvine Hendrix explains: "It is taught to help clients better understand and develop themselves whilst helping others close to them. The Reiki concept and philosophy provide a good perspective to self-healing, developing mind and body links and the principles of life balance and well-being. "
She adds: "As human beings our senses are to put it mildly "inadequate". It has been proven by scientists and such that our world although appearing to be motionless is anything but. Although things appear solid and motionless they are in fact constantly moving and vibrating. Everything vibrates at its own frequency. Sensitive people "intuitive" as I prefer to call them have known this for a long time. Reiki works with the same sort of energy. Every human has their own pulsating energy We are simply becoming more concerned with our welfare and own health now, though we are working with "conventional" health care many are now turning to alternative medicines extending those boundaries."
Rei is generally considered to mean "soul" and Ki means "life force or universe" and when you add them together you bring together "universal life force" and that is what many call Reiki healing. What Reiki really uses is energy - the same energy that vitalises everything around us and connects us with not just the universe as a whole but each other too. For many Reiki is a very spiritual form of healing and many call it spiritual healing others prefer not to connect it to spiritual experience. It doesn’t matter what you call it or how you refer to it just like whether you call God, Creator or any other name you choose the name is not relevant only the knowledge is relevant.
Tayo explains: "Reiki treatments can be hands on or absent "at distance". Interestingly enough anything can have Reiki channelled into it animal, vegetable or mineral. A treatment is given fully clothed but for relaxation the recipient may lay down if they choose to. The practitioner will place their hands over the areas to be treated. The recipient may feel various things during a treatment; however, they will usually feel very relaxed at the end of the treatment. They may feel warmth, tingling, floating feeling, or simply a very deep sense of peacefulness. Some will cry some will feel very emotional but this will be followed by a deep sense of calm. Following a Reiki healing you will often find yourself feeling energised having freed yourself of that disease."
As mentioned Reiki can be self-administered so learning the first steps is always a good idea. This enables you to give self and others, "hands on Reiki healing". Reiki isn’t something that you learn as such and there is no need to reach a certain level of enlightenment, it is more a case of having the ability passed on from a Master via an "Attunement" which opens the chakra and creates a link between receiver and Reiki energy.