After breast surgery, it can be difficult adjusting to the many changes in your life and coming to terms with a new appearance.
Recognising that individual women have individual needs, the Naturalwear range offers the widest selection of styles, shapes and sizes to suit your unique life style. Through constant innovation and a thorough understanding of surgery trends, we promise to consistently offer you comfort, style and choice for many years to come.
Choosing the right bra is vital in making you feel more comfortable and secure with your new breast form. Our Naturalwear bras are designed with special features to ensure comfort, support and an excellent fit that is right for you. While restoring your confidence and natural balance, you will look more beautiful and feminine than ever.
Designed with the help and expert advice of a dedicated worldwide panel of women, all of whom have had breast surgery, our products are worn and tested at every stage of the development process. This way we are able to offer you the most innovative, stylish and individual range of breast forms and bras available today.
Take some time choosing the right bra and breast form for you. Our Naturalwear range will help you feel more confident and support you on the road to recovery.
FemaleFirst's range of breastforms
Questions Answered
How do I care for my breast form?
Treated carefully, your breast form can last for many years. Treat it as carefully as you would your own skin – be careful not to puncture or tear it with sharp objects, and wash it daily in warm soapy water to remove dirt and residue from oils or perspiration. Try not to use powder, lotions or perfume near your breast form. Wear a bra that fits you properly and doesn’t force the breast form into a different shape; if the bra is too small it can cause the silicone to deteriorate and eventually make the form un-wearable. When not being worn, store your breast form in the foam cradle of the box to help maintain its shape and protect from accidental harm.
What if my breast form needs to be replaced?
Generally, your breast form will need to be replaced every two to three years. Changes in your body shape may mean you need a new size or shape to suit you better, or perhaps your current form is just showing the wear and tear signs of age. If you were fitted by the NHS or have private insurance you will usually be provided with a new form free of charge.
Will my activities be restricted in any way?
Wearing a breast form should not prevent you from enjoying any of the hobbies, sports or activities you did before your surgery. Swimming is a particularly good form of exercise after surgery and provided you wash your breast form carefully to remove chlorine or salt residue, your breast form will not be damaged in the water. If you are very active, you might find it more comfortable to wear a lighter, temporary form occasionally - there are foam and silicone forms to suit every need.
Will I need to wear a different kind of bra?
The most important thing is to choose a bra that fits properly and supports the weight of your breast form adequately. You might find you feel more secure wearing a pocketed mastectomy bra that is designed to hold a breast form. There are many beautiful styles to choose from, including under-wire styles if that's what you prefer.
How Do I Care For My Bra?
Naturalwear bras feature quality fabrics, components, and construction. We recognize that every woman is an individual with very unique needs and desires. That is why our wide selection of styles and sizes are specially designed to incorporate features that accommodate specific needs for after breast surgery.
Proper care will prolong the life of Naturalwear bras and provide lasting comfort, security and an overall natural look and feel. We recommend hand washing in warm water with mild soap. Hang until completely dry for the best results. Avoid using fabric softeners when bra contains CoolMax® fabric.
Harmony Connect
What cleaning products should I use with the Harmony Connect?
Any mild non perfumed soap is fine.
Is the adhesive harsh on my skin?
No. The adhesive is very soft and comfortable to wear. It is very mild on the skin, there is no trauma removing the product.
Can I use moisturizers on my skin?
For the adhesive to work to its full potential the chest wall must be totally clean and dry. Lotions/creams/oils/perfume/powders should not be used.
Why is there no warranty on the adhesive gel?
The life expectancy of the adhesive is dependent on the care that is taken of it. Only the wearer can determine how long it will last.
What happens if I wrongly position my Harmony Connect?
Remove it and reposition it.
Can the Harmony Connect product be worn without a bra?
No, it is a self adhering product not self supporting.
How long will the adhesive last?
The product MUST be washed after each wear. With proper care and maintenance it could last up to 24 months.
How important is it to clean the product?
It is vitally important to clean the produt after EVERY wear. This rejuvenates the adhesive.
Should I wear my Connect product everyday?
The Harmony Connect can be worn as often as you'd like. It can be worn as both an adhesive product or a regular breast form.
Tagged in Breast Cancer