When it comes to men's health their back could be aching, an unsightly rash appear on their face or they havenât slept a wink in weeks but they will always insist they are fine.
When it comes to men why is it even when their leg is almost falling off, they still refuse the dreaded trip to the GP? Itâs that age old story, The Doctors or Pharmacy isnât a place for a man! After all, itâs nothing a few hot toddies can fix, right?
But this pride could contribute to shorting men's life expectancy by up to 5 years (Male - 77.2 years Vs Female - 81.5 years). According to research by Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 40,000 men would be saved each year in the UK if their life expectancy was as high as women's.
With almost a third of men still smoking (28%) and drinking alcohol (27%) at a level that could be harmful to their health, the RPSGB has joined forces with Phil Tufnell to encourage men to make their local pharmacy the first port of call for advice.