PC Problems Causing Frustration

PC Problems Causing Frustration

Over 1.5 million Britons kick, punch or hit their PC when they experience computer problems. Instead of exercising good old-fashioned British reserve, technology troubles drive the nation into a wild rage according to new research from PC Tools.

When trusty PCs and laptops disappoint, 45% of worked-up Brits swear at their computer, over a quarter bang their keyboard or mouse, and almost a third of us shout and scream out of pure frustration.

The fury doesn’t end there - some computer users pushed to the end of their tether have gone to extremes such as smashing up their computer or even dropping their laptop in a fish tank.

The research identified the main source of frustration as tardiness - programs running slowly, snail-paced internet connections and PCs taking too long to start up.

Nearly one in ten wait more than 5 minutes just for their computer to boot - for those who use their computer every day that adds up to over one day each year spent sitting and waiting for computers to start up. It’s no surprise that one in four have experienced feelings of stress and anxiety as a result of a computer crisis.

Some interesting statistics from the results:

· Over 1.5 million Britons kick, punch or hit their PC when they experience computer problems

· 45% of Brits swear at their computer

· More than a quarter of Brits bang their computers or mouse

· Almost one third of Brits shout and scream at computers out of pure frustration

Richard Clooke commented, "It can be incredibly annoying when your PC lets you down. Technology and the internet now play such a significant role in our day-to-day lives, when your PC isn’t performing as well as it should it can have a huge impact.

"We need to understand that embracing technology doesn’t have to be stressful or frustrating, and that there are many simple and effective ways to speed up and protect our PCs."

Chartered Psychologist and anger management specialist Gill Bloxham, commented on the startling findings of the research, "whilst acting out in frustration may relieve the initial feelings of anger, it rarely resolves the issue. To tame your temper it’s important you identify a solution to your problem."

Top tips to speed up your PC

· Slow-running PCs are often an indication of something much worse, such as malware. Make sure your PC is sufficiently protected by installing an effective internet security product that’s kept up to date

· Get into the habit of cleaning your computer. Get rid of files you don’t use, especially large ones that may be taking up useful space

· Safeguard your privacy by deleting your internet history regularly

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