Mo Farah and Usain Bolt are just two of the stars of the Olympics this summer, and we have the tips to help you get a body like theirs.
A runner’s diet varied dramtically depending on whether they speciailise in the short or long distance races. Mo Farah finds himself as lean as a runner bean, whereas Usain Bolt boasts more muscles than a seafood platter.
Fitness First’s Health and Fitness Expert, David Perrin, provides is with some handy healthy eating guidelines for both disciplines, so you can excel above and beyond your current physical ability.
David comments: “Whilst it may not be possible to change from a long distance to a short distance athlete and vice versa, you can easily enhance the discipline you excel at, just by adopting a specially designed eating plan. Follow these quick and easy tips and I guarantee you will notice the difference in your performance.”
Long Distance Runners
You will be using up a lot of energy on longer runs and you need to feed your body more to cover this. After about 90 minutes of exercise the amount of carbohydrates stored in the body will run out, meaning you will need to have an extra source of this within the body. Aim to eat a meal high in carbs four hours before a run and a lighter snack two hours later. You will also needs lots of water to counteract all the extra sweat loss!
Foods To Choose: High carbohydrates for energy and low fat and fibre foods to reduce the risk of stomach upset. Glycogen stores and fat stores are also very beneficial, as is protein.
Examples: Fish such as salmon, olive oil, pasta, rice, fruit smoothies, lean meat, bananas
Short Distance Runners
Overview: With distances under 400m muscular power and anaerobic metabolism are crucial, rather than endurance. You should be weight training 3-4 times a week, as you want to be carrying a higher than average lean muscles mass, (whilst also maintaining a light body weight!). Your eating plan should aim to release low glycaemic carbohydrates, with meat, fish and complex carbohydrates an absolute must.
Foods To Choose: Protein will help build muscle size and strength whilst carbohydrates will provide you with your essential energy. Foods with vitamins, calcium and iron are vital for general health.
Examples: Low fat meats such as skinless chicken and fish, eggs and low-fat dairy, fresh fruit, tofu, cereal
We cannot guarantee you’ll become the fastest man in the world in time for 2016, but with these handy tips you’ll certainly be lapping those couch potatoes! So Bolt on down to your nearest Fitness First before heading home to try these out... you have Mo reason not to!