Drinking a pint of milk a day helps keep metabolic syndrome such as heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes at bay.

This is the findings are part of the Caerphilly Prospective Study that followed 2,375 men aged between 45 -59 over a 20 year period.

Some of the participants already suffered from metabolic syndrome. The study revealed that those who regularly drank a pint of milk a day were 62% less likely to have the syndrome and 56% less likely if they ate dairy products.

Professor Peter Elwood, head researcher, said: "We are reviewing worldwide studies on the link between dairy consumption and effects on vascular disease, including rates of heart disease and stroke and there is no doubt in my mind of the benefits.

"The evidence shows a very powerful effect that is totally against public perception that milk and other dairy products are bad for your heart."

The high numbers of people suffering with metabolic syndrome which includes high cholesterol, and high levels of glucose in the blood is beign liked with high numbers of obese individuals and unhealthy lifestyles.

It's thought that meatbolic syndrome effects around a quarter of the population in the UK

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