More men are using surgery to get a job

More men are using surgery to get a job

More men are turning to plastic surgery to get ahead in the tough jobs market, according to leading surgery company, the Birkdale Clinic.

The company, which has centres in Merseyside, London and South Yorkshire, has seen a 75% rise in the last six month of men requesting surgery and believe it is a direct result of the current credit crunch and people facing tough competition for the same job.

Marie Jenkins, Patient Co-ordinator at the clinic’s Crosby centre, says that a number of older men are now competing with their younger counterparts when it comes to a new career and want to look fresher and more vibrant.

“In the last few months we have seen more men through the door and more than half of them said they were interested in facial surgery procedures like botox as well as teeth whitening to make them look and feel better so that they had a better chance when it comes to a new job or promotion.

“It seems as if in these tough times, men are going to much further lengths than just having a haircut or buying a new suit.”

The most popular procedure is filers and botox, with 80% opting for this to obtain a more youthful look. 10% have gone for teeth whitening for a confident and vibrant smile and 10% for a face-lift.

“The filler treatments have been really popular” continues Marie. “They give an instant lift without being too invasive and as they are non-surgical can be done very quickly - in most cases within an hour.”

Recent reports by the Men’s Health Forum suggests that the Birkdale Clinic is right on trend when it comes to the increase in men over 50 wanting surgery as it reported a 140% increase in the last five years.