Doctors are to be given special training to spot people who drink too much.
A leading doctor said people should be fined £100 for being drunk in public.
The government says there are around 10 million people in England who are causing themselves serious harm because of the amount they drink.
In all, 60,000 medical students will be trained over the next decade.
Medical schools have been allocated £650,000 to examine the best way of training doctors-to-be how to spot alcohol misuse.
Earlier this week, plastic surgeon Peter Mahaffey told the British Medical Journal police should carry breathalysers and fine those three times over the drink-drive limit.
The Bedford Hospital medic said his suggestion came after seeing patients injured in drunken fights and disorder.
We think the government would be much better to force bars and clubs not to serve people when they have had enough
Alcohol consumption has been rising steadily for the past 15 years, with figures suggesting a third of men and a fifth of women drink more than the recommended levels each week.
Alcohol is a factor in the majority of crimes and is estimated to cost the economy £7bn a year.