There's nothing that can be done to cure them, they're irritable, unattractive and can leave you doing anything to cover your mouth.
Almost 75 per cent of the population carry the herpes simplex virus type 1, which allows cold sores to flare up at the most unforgiving moments - most likely when there will be plenty of pictures being taken. It's always the way.
It's essential that you know how to manage outbreaks, because once you contract the virus it stays with you for life - wonderful, I know.
We've all heard the homemade remedy of applying perfume as soon as you feel a slight tingle - but do we really have to waste our good bottle of Viktor and Rolf, Flowerbomb?
Thankfully, we have A.Vogel's Bio-propolis, a clincally proven product that can be used at any stage of the cold sore's development. It's designed to rapidly soothe the area and form a protective barrier so the skin can get to work at healing itself.
Alison Cullen, A.Vogel's nutritional therapist says: "Cold sore sufferers will know that there is usually a set of symptoms that arise before an outbreak. You might have a tingling or itching sensation before blisters around your mouth appear. This is a good time to start taking action with Bio-propolis."
Stress, illness and fatigue are factors that trigger outbreaks, also being in the sun; so try using an SPF lipbalm when your out in bright sunlight. Unlikely in this country, we know.
"When cold sores do appear the blisters contain fluid that is teeming with the herpes virus. The blisters may weep and take several days to scab over, being tender and painful. Try not to pick them because you can make the infection worse.
"Until they've scabbed over and become completely dry, cold sores remain highly infectious, so avoid kissing anyone and don't share any personal items such as cups, razors or towels. The virus is considered to be contagious from the very first sign of an outbreak (tingling and itching) until the area is completely healed again," says Alison.
RRP £5.65 for a 2g tube
Femalefirst Taryn Davies
Tagged in Health Healthy Body