

How many New Year’s resolutions have you made this year? Go to the Gym more often? Less carbs after 6pm? Or maybe you’re going to be a new assertive self? Whatever you’re planning for 2009, do you think you’ve got a hope of lasting more than a week?

Evian brings you an easy resolution for the New Year

This Saturday, 10th January, will see the UK falling off the resolution wagon and reverting to old habits of ‘08. Research carried out by Evian shows that we find it difficult sticking to gruelling New Year resolutions, taking on too much at New Year. Over 63% of people admit to abandoning their good intentions in just under 10 days – suggesting that this year Saturday 10th January will see the UK renounce their resolutions en masse.

The results showed that Britons look to adopt on average 4 resolutions each New Year and, more often than not, these don’t stick.

* 73% of Britons take on a New Year resolution
* 56% take on more than 2 resolutions
* Londoners give up their New Year’s resolutions more quickly than anyone else. 52% abandoned them within 5 days
* 72% of people chose to take on a new dedication to be healthier in the New Year
* Finance related resolutions accounted for a hefty 33% of overall resolutions
* 64% find it very hard to stick to their resolution

Our good intentions range from promises to be better friends to learning a new language but with busy lives and little spare time we rarely commit for long. On top of that, 64% of people rated keeping to their chosen resolutions as ‘nearly impossible’ with only 17% finding it ‘easy’ – a sure sign that we’re setting ourselves up to fail.

The survey shows that 72% of people taking on a New Year resolution chose to take on a new dedication to be healthier in the New Year. Finance related resolutions accounted for a hefty 33% of overall resolutions. The research also showed that women were most concerned with getting healthy, whereas personal challenges, such as learning a new skill were higher on the UK male’s agenda.

Evian spokesperson and expert nutritionist Nicki Waterman commented “It is so important at this time of year to adopt realistic and simple steps to change your lifestyle. Don’t overwhelm yourself with new demanding activities or by cutting out too many things you love at once. Simple steps allow us to create long term habits that benefit our bodies, one of which being to make sure you are drinking enough water – drinking more water each day is a simple resolution you can easily stick too.”

Nicki has worked with Evian to create a Daily Purity Plan full of helpful hints and easy changes to ensure a healthier way of life for the whole year. 60% of our bodies are made up of water and this water mostly renews itself every six weeks with what you drink so it makes sense to choose the water that you drink carefully, both everyday and after the New Year period.