

Everyone has difficulty sleeping at some time in their life but this is usually short-lived. However, an estimated one in ten people suffer from chronic insomnia. Insomnia is more common in older people and those under a lot of stress.

Sleeping difficulties are most commonly caused by stress and worry. Other common causes include physical illness that causes pain, environmental noise, depression, shift work, caffeine or alcohol consumption, and medication side-effects.

Insomnia contributes to excessive daytime tiredness, which in turn may be responsible for accidents, recurrent infections, poor concentration, irritability, work and relationship problems and a general inability to cope.

Sleeping tablets may be prescribed for short-term use only, when the cause of insomnia has been identified as bereavement or jet lag, for example.

However, it's usually more important to address any underlying cause of the insomnia - ensuring your bed is comfortable and your bedroom dark and quiet, for example. Try going to sleep and getting up at the same time, and not working or watching TV in your bedroom.

You should also try avoiding stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. Getting more exercise during the day, having a warm milky drink before bed, and herbs such as valerian and camomile can also help.